A Star To Guide Us and Jahai Bluffs Achievements Guide (2025)

GW2 A Star to Guide Us and Jahai Bluffs Achievements Guide. This is awork in progress


  • 1 Meta Achievement
  • 2 Story Achievements
    • 2.1 A Shattered Nation
    • 2.2 Chaos Theory
    • 2.3 Legacy
    • 2.4 From the Ashes
    • 2.5 Storm Tracking
  • 3 Map Achievements
    • 3.1 (Hidden) Ethereal Exchange – 1 AP
    • 3.2 Bottled No More – 1 AP
    • 3.3 Dive Master: Rilohn Falls– 1 AP
    • 3.4 Finders Inner Keepers – 1 AP
    • 3.5 Hunted – 1 AP
    • 3.6 Historical Ambition – 1 AP
    • 3.7 Making History – 1 AP
    • 3.8 You Can Certainly Try – 1 AP, 1 Mastery Point
    • 3.9 Big Bluffs Hunter – 5 AP
    • 3.10 Garrison Historian – 4 AP
    • 3.11 If I May Interrupt – 5 AP
    • 3.12 Matchmaker, Matchmaker – 7 AP
    • 3.13 Jahai Bounty Hunter – 8 AP, 1 Mastery Point
  • 4 Sun’s Refuge Achievements
    • 4.1 Swan Dive – 1 AP
    • 4.2 Doors to the Past– 3 AP
    • 4.3 Fishy Business– 3 AP
    • 4.4 Fragments I have Shored – 3 AP
    • 4.5 Gentle Hearts– 3 AP, Mini Desert Fox
    • 4.6 Gotchu!– 3 AP
    • 4.7 Philanthropist – 3 AP
    • 4.8 Watchful Eyes– 3 AP
  • 5 Collection/Scavenger Hunt Achievements
    • 5.1 Dark Tools for Dark Times – 10 AP, The Inevitable title, Staff of the Inevitable
    • 5.2 Full House – 10 AP, Keeper of the Sun title
    • 5.3 Elegy and Requiem Collections – 40 AP, Temporal Tourist title, Ascended Armor Box
    • 5.4 Making Cents of Jahai – 10 AP
    • 6.1 Mastery Insights – 1 AP, 1 Mastery Insight each
    • 6.2 Adventures

Meta Achievement

A Star to Guide Us Mastery – 30 AP

You need to complete 38 achievements for this Mastery, which give one ofthe Joko staff pieces required for the Dark Tools for Dark Timescollection. There are plenty of achievements in this episode so youshould have no problem finishing the mastery.

Story Achievements

A Shattered Nation

Splat! – 1 AP

Receive a hit from the Death-Branded Shatterer in an unexpected way.During the part of the story where you have to escort delegates out ofthe summit room, right after one of the NPCs suggests using the freeAwakened as a shield, Shatterer’s will start using his massive clawattacks. Get hit by one of these attacks for the achievement. You can’tget this achievement same time as Claws to the Wall so you can just exitthe instance after you get hit and then re-enter (it will put you backto the start of the Shatterer attack).

Claws to the Wall- 1 AP

Avoid being struck by the Death-Branded Shatterer’s claws. Avoid thoseattacks on the ground. These have fairly have circle indicators soshould be relatively easy to avoid once you know what they look like.

In Tatters; Not Shattered – 1 AP

Rescue every Free Awakened inside the Fortress of Jahai during theDeath-Branded Shatterer’s attack. This achievement can be a bit annoyingdue to the way you have to micromanage the Free Awakened. To get theseFree Awakened to move, you have to use the new special action skill onthe Free Awakened and they will move towards you. You want to move theseNPCs to the arches where Shatterer’s claw can’t hit ASAP as they willdie instantly to the claw attack if caught in the open.

There are three Free Awakened in the first room, then a set of threeinside Crystals in the next room (you have to break them free before thetimer runs out on their crystals) and then a final set of 4 in the thirdroom for a total of 10. You won’t have to worry about them during theBranded fights as the Claw attacks won’t be there.

Chaos Theory

No More Mr.Fungi – 4 AP

During the story step for Chaos Theory, you will enter this Fungi placeand there will be hallucinations spawning. Kill three of them for thiseasy achievement. The Fungi cavern can be accessed from either the northof the south side.


Is It Over Yet? – 1 AP

Light all the braziers and clear out the hall within the time limit tomake Braham look good. You have a 7 minute timer to do this. You willneed to fight the Broodmother (get her down to 25% each time) and thenclear the spider sacs before Braham can light the brazier. During all ofthis Braham will be “feared” and you will need to use your specialaction key (basically spam it everytime it is off cooldown) to make sureBraham doesn’t run off.

After you lit a brazier, the Broodmother will return and then carry youto the next brazier conveniently. During this you won’t be able to useany skills but watch for the new skills that pop up on your skill barand press them to avoid losing HP. Repeat this 3 times for the threeBraziers and then finish off Broodmother in the center for theachievement.

Not Today – 1 AP

Defeat the spider broodmother without being downed or defeated. Useranged attacks if you can, avoid the broodmother’s attacks and when youget carried off press the new buttons on your skillbar as soon as theyappear.

Unbranded – 1 AP

Complete Legacy without being encompassed in Branded crystal. Thisachievement is fairly straightforward. Avoid the slow circle attacks onthe ground and as long you are not in it when the inner circle reachesthe outer circle you shouldn’t be encased.

Pod Smasher – 1 AP

Defeat the Branded Riftstalker without any Branded pods detonating. Thefirst set of pods appear at 66%. There are only set of 3 pods so it isfairly easy.However, the second set of pods appear at 33% is a clusterof 6 so the DPS check then it is fairly tight. You need to destroy thepods before the timer above them finishes. It might help to bring afriend for the second set of pods.

From the Ashes

(Hidden) I Brought a Friend – 1 AP

This is a hidden achievement for bringing an Unstable Branded Awakenedto Zafirah and have it explode on her. The easiest way to do this iswhen Zafirah ports to her second platform. There is a Branded elementalright near her platform (respawns pretty quickly as well). Use a rangedweapon to aggro it and then run to Zafirah. The elemental will explodeon top of her, earning you the achievement.

Sniper, No Sniping! – 3 AP

Get through the sniper battle without getting shot. This can be a bit ofpain to do but you will need to use the pillars as cover while advancingtowards Zafirah. Having teleports and stealth would help here and youcan also dodge the shot as well. Something to keep in mind is the debuffthat make it easier for Zafirah to shot at you (lasts for 22 seconds, soyou may want to wait it out each time before going to the next pillar)and the wooden pillars that will only block one shot from Zafirah beforegetting destroyed. Zafirah will teleport to two other places beforeteleporting to the center at 5%.

  • Having mounts or gliding here is not a great idea as Zafirah can target these easier.
  • Getting to Zafirah’s first position is easy but getting to the 2nd and 3rd positions are more tricky.
  • The ground is filled with poison so you will need to move fast
  • Branded creatures will try to explode on you and knock you out of the cover

Faster than a Speeding Buillet – 5 AP

Complete the duel in less than 8 minutes. This isn’t a hard achievement,you just have to push Zafirah to 5% in under 8 minutes. The tricky partis avoid dying getting to her as that can slow you down.

Storm Tracking

Right on Track – 1 AP

Successfully prevented the Branded from interrupting Blish while settingup the tracker.This achievement is for the first part of the instancewhere you need to defend Blish while he sets up the tracker. You need tokeep the mobs engaged so they don’t attack Blish but more importantlykeep an eye out for Branded Earth Elementals that comes later on. Theywill try to run to Blish and do their circle AOE that will interruptBlish and fail the achievement. Place high priority on the EarthElementals and don’t let them get close to Blish.

Raptor Out – 1 AP

Escape the Mists in the required time. You have 3 minutes and 30 secondsto escape the Mists. It basically comes down to practice and jumpingskills as you cannot miss jumps or you will be forced to start overwhich means you won’t make the time limit. Use the orbs to refill yourendurance. See video below of a successful attempt.

Map Achievements

(Hidden) Ethereal Exchange – 1 AP

I have to stop Kralkatorrik for Nenah and all the others in the Mistswho are in danger. Go to Kormir’s Reverance POI in Reclaimed Chantry andthen /kneel in front of the statue and talk to Nenah that spawns.

Bottled No More – 1 AP

Defeat the legendary Branded djinn in Jahai Bluffs.. This is thechampion Vemyen which has an escort pre-event with Ziya starting atKodonur Temple and ends at Shattered Cliffs. This guy is fairly toughand has a timer so make sure you have more than just a couple players.Luckily he is part of several collections so this achievement should beeasy to get.

Dive Master: Rilohn Falls– 1 AP

Find and use the diving goggles at the top of a tall waterfall.This isthe diving goggles by Rilohn Falls.There is a bucket at the bottom ofthe waterfall you need to land in for the achievement.

Finders Inner Keepers – 1 AP

This is the achievement for finishing top 3 in the race starting atFortress of Jahai and leads into Jahai Keep. Like any other raceachievements, the less players participating, the better your chances sofind an empty map if possible. The race seems to come up every \~30minutes and the path changes everytime so follow the minimap and seewhich paths opens up that will lead you to the chest.

Hunted – 1 AP

Track down and defeat the Branded hydra terrorizing the dolyak routes inJahai Bluffs. This achievement is for the meta event down in thesouthern parts of Jahai Bluffs. It starts with a pre-event near VentaPass to collect lost supplies to Second Spear NPCs, then collectingdolyak meats before finally ending at Crystal Cavern POI to fight theChampion Branded Hydra.

Historical Ambition – 1 AP

Take down one of the leaders in the southern displacement. This isfairly easy to do. In the constant battle between Charr and Orr npcsthere will be an elite NPC. Kill it for the achievement.

Making History – 1 AP

Reach the top of the mysterious displaced tower. Use springer on therocks to the left of the tower to get to the vista. Once you are at thevista, go as high as you can and then fly over with your griffon.

You Can Certainly Try – 1 AP, 1 Mastery Point

Participate in the Death-Branded Shatterer event. You just have toparticipate in the event, not successfully kill it. The Shatterer spawnsin the NW corner of the map, right by Almorra’s Stand.

Big Bluffs Hunter – 5 AP

Track down and defeat the rarely sighted enemies throughout the map.These are rare mobs with long respawn timers so make sure to call it outif you see them on the map so others can get it too. Can be killed with2-3 people.

Elasa the Elemental

Northeast corner of Almorra’s Stand

Judge Aasma

On top of the Fortress of Jahai

Rilohn Broodmother

This Broodmother roams the northern part of Rilohn River and cansometimes die unexpectedly to Branded, making her annoying to catch.

The Tooth

Northeast corner of Almorra’s Stand


Roams around from east to west in the branded area just left of YahtendiVillage waypoint

Garrison Historian – 4 AP

This is a simple event achievement by Soul’s Vendetta Waypoint.. Veryfrequently there will be an event to escort Vigil Sergeant Eshid toArgon Garrison to raid its supplies. This is a chain of three events toescort Eshid to the garrison, collect supplies and then escort Eshidback. Once you complete the chain of three events, Eshid will talk toPriory Historian Sivvi and you can talk to Sivvi after. Repeat thischain of event four times, each time talking to Sivvi and you willcomplete the achievement.

If I May Interrupt – 5 AP

This achievement is for the event that occurs at Monument to the Returnof Palawa Joko POI south of Displaced Towers. There will be a pre-eventto console the grieving Awakened. After that, “Joko” will show up andyou will have to fight him. Every time Joko makes a speech during thefight, he will have a breakbar active. You need to break his breakbarbefore he finishes his speech or the achievement will fail. Later onduring the fight Joko will also split into two copies so make sure youhave people with lots of CCs if you want to have a decent shot at thisachievement.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker – 7 AP

This achievement is given for starting 15 successful conversations in arow between the factions in the Chantry. This has to do with the heartright by Reclaimed Chantry where you have to make conversations betweenthe four groups. You have to play matchmaker by leading a NPC from onegroup (with the speech bubbles) to the correct NPC of the correspondinggroup (also with speech bubbles). Do this correctly 15 times in a row tocomplete the achievement. If you mess up once, you will need to startover from 0 and achievement won’t tick up until you get past yourprevious streak.

The trick here is to read carefully what the NPC of the starter group issaying and then match it with the right NPC of the corresponding group.For example, if the Order of Shadow Representative says: Know whathundred of years of tradition gives you? Stodginess. Sunspears don’tknow how to learn and grow. You will then need to tell the Order ofShadow representative to follow you and then find the Sunspearrepresentative that says The Sunspears taught me everything I know. Youcan’t find that kind of knowledge anywhere else.


Here is the correct correspondence guide compiled by Imminent Aegis.


  • Sunspears will never understand what it means to learn, train and grow beneath a higher power.
    • The Sunspears taught me everything I know. You can’t find that kind of knowledge anywhere else.
  • The Mordant Crescent failed to protect Joko. Joko died as a result. With that legacy, how can we trust them?
    • With what I’ve learned in the Mordant Crescent, it’s time to secure my legacy. They’ll speak of what I did for Elona for generations.
  • Shadow agents sow chaos and destroy order. Joko’s order, specifically. They’re irresonsible fools.
    • We spread chaos in the shadows to guarantee order. None of these other groups grasp the idea.
  • What does the Order of Shadows know about building a legacy? All they do is destroy what others built.
    • Our work is in the shadows, but if I do well, my name will be whispered down the ages.
  • Sunspears are as rigid and unrelaxing as their spears. They’ll never bend to have fun. How in Joko’s name could we work with them?
    • Every day is training or fighting. I want to sit back, relax, and read a good scroll.
  • What do Sunspears care about family? Simply by joining up the risked everyone they loved.
    • My parents and children are worried about me. Soon as this is over, I’m going home.


  • What would the Awakened know about building for posterity? They’re grunts – can’t see beyond tomorrow.
    • As long as I had eternal life, I wasn’t worried about my legacy. Now…
  • “Free Awakened.” Hmph. More like chaotic, or anarchic. They’d do better to have discpline.
    • What a disorderly bunch of louts. What we need is order. An army is useless without discipline.
  • We pledged ourselves to Joko for the good of Elona. Sunspears put honor before Elona. Before everything.
    • I risked everything for Elona. Lost friends, my home, my farm… None of the others have risked more.
  • Sunspears will never understand what it means to learn, train, and grow beneath a higher power.
    • The Sunspears taught me everything I know. You can’t find that kind of knowledge anywhere else.
  • The Order of Shadows is only good for sowing chaos. For restoring order, they’re worse than useless.
    • We spread chaos in the shadows to guarantee order. None of these other groups grasp the idea.
  • We were Joko’s elite. Trained in every weapon and able to run a bureaucracy. Those sniveling agents couldn’t learn what we did.
    • I trained for years to acquire these skills. Subterfuge, counterintelligence… No one else understands that satisfaction.


  • Know what hundreds of years of tradition gives you? Stodginess. Sunspears don’t know how to learn and grow.
    • The Sunspears taught me everything I know. You can’t find that kind of knowledge anywhere else.
  • Know what my worst nightmare is? A mob of panicked Awakened. Leaderless, structureless. Imagine it.
    • What a disorderly bunch of louts. What we need is order. An army is useless without discipline.
  • The Mordant Crescent are stagnant in their skills. That’s how the Sunspears defeated them. I wouldn’t trust them to fight well.
    • The Mordant Crescent gave me a way to hone my skills. I wouldn’t have learned as much without them.
  • The Order of Shadows has worked for decades to leave a legacy of prosperity and stability. What do the Mordant Crescent know about that?
    • With what I’ve learned in the Mordant Crescent, it’s time to secure my legacy. They’ll speak of what I did for Elona for generations.
  • The Sunspears were useful in deposing Joko, but now that their mission is over, do they know how to live? Relax! Have normal lives?
    • Every day is training or fighting. I want to sit back, relax, and read a good scroll.
  • Know what you lose with your will when you’re Awakened? Knowing how well to live. Watch them. They’re no fun.
    • Marching, drilling, defending, fighting… None of this is living well. Give me a sunny vineyard and some great-great-grandchildren.


  • All these Shadow agents know how to do is gossip and backstab. Bet they’ve never enjoyed a day of their lives.
    • Spyword is relentless. I need a beach, a cool breeze, a drink…
  • I risked my life to defend my family. These Awakened gave in to Joko without a fight. I don’t understand them.
    • Until this mess sorts out, I can’t go back to my family. That’s what these idiots are keeping from me.
  • The Mordant Crescent sold Elona’s future to Joko. How could we ever trust them again?
    • I’ve always served Elona. Inside – and outside – of the Mordant Crescent.
  • Shadows agents destabilize governments. Infect the populace with fear. They’ve got no respect for order.
    • We spread chaos in the shadows to guarantee order. None of these other groups grasp the idea
  • How could Awakened know how to enjoy life? They’re dead!
    • Marching, drilling, defending, fighting… None of this is living well. Give me a sunny vineyard and some great-great-grandchildren.
  • The Mordant Crescent joined Joko because they couldn’t take our rigorous training, the lazy slugs.
    • The Mordant Crescent gave me a way to hone my skills. I wouldn’t have learned as much without them.

Jahai Bounty Hunter – 8 AP, 1 Mastery Point

Complete all four bounties in Jahai Bluffs. You can pick up the bountiesin Kodonur Temple.

  • Angry Pet Rock
  • Wynern Matriarch, Patriarch, and Young (Legendary)
  • Badly Confused Ettin
  • Zommoro’s Sword and Shield

Sun’s Refuge Achievements

Pretty much all of these achievements are hidden. You will need tounlock Sun’s Refuge by completing the story first (Legacy storyepisode).

Swan Dive – 1 AP

Find the diving goggles in Sun’s Refuge and jump into the water. Thediving google should be on the NE corner of Sun’s Refuge.

Doors to the Past– 3 AP

Find and place all five runes to open the ancient doors in Sun’s Refuge.You will need to complete the heart by Pact Vanguard and then purchasethe Pact Excavation Contract for 5 gold and 500 Volatile Magic.

This opens up a new activity in Sun’s Refuge. There will be five emptyrune slots along with a Priory excavation team. You need to get theserunes by killing random mobs (there doesn’t seem to be any correlationbetween the type of mobs and the type of runes). Once you have all 5runes, place them in the Rune Slot and door will open, earning you theachievement. Once opened, the runes will have to be earned daily foraccess to a chest inside that give some crappy loot.

Fishy Business– 3 AP

Talk to Lofa at the top of Yatendi Village after completing the nearbyheart. She will have a fish bait for Sun’s Refuge to repay you back.

The go to Sun’s Refuge and look at this particular spot. You should seethree Salmon ambient creatures (if you don’t, wait a bit and they shouldspawn). Now kill them and then exit the refuge via the portal marked onthe map. This will put you back to Pact Vanguard. Keep re-entering fromPact Vanguard to reset the instance and kill the three Salmon over andover until you get the rare Elonian Red Trout. Kill the trout and returnto Lofa for the achievement.

  • There are reports of people having success finding the Trout spawn during night time so check back at night

Fragments I have Shored – 3 AP

Activate all four hidden symbols in Sun’s Refuge within the time limit(2 minutes). The four fragments are listed below and you should do themin the sequence (1,2 3, 4) as I have found it is the easiest. You willneed to interact with each symbol a total of 3 times before moving on tothe next symbol. See video below for a full walkthrough.

Gentle Hearts– 3 AP, Mini Desert Fox

There are two ways to start this. You can either feed the fox with harpyeggs or food from Yatendi Village. The eggs are a shorter route butYatendi village is an option as well.

Harpy eggs are located a short distance north of the fox.

Alternatively, for food from Yatendi Village, make sure you have notcompleted the heart by Yatendi Village yet. If you have already, returnafter daily reset or log on another character. Pick up the food bundlesfrom the Yatendi tent which is only visible if the heart isn’t alreadycompleted.

Then you gonna head over to Venta Pass and not far from it you will finda Desert Fox. Interact with it while holding the food bundle and it willcome to Sun’s Refuge and give you the achievement and mini pet.

Gotchu!– 3 AP

Win 10 games of hide and seek in Sun’s Refuge. To start thisachievement, you need to locate the Hide and Seek Master at the locationmarked as star on the map. Talk to him to begin a game of hide and seek.There is a time limit on finding him and if you don’t find him within ithe will reset back to where he was. After each successful game of hideand seek, you may need to exit and re-enter Sun’s Refuge for him toappear again and talk to him again to start another round.

The location he will be is randomized each time but here is a list of 21possible spots compiled by Volcanora onreddit. You are looking for a Hiding Child NPC

Philanthropist – 3 AP

Find Pact Donations Agent Ira near the armorer repair station in Sun’sRefuge and donate 5 gold to complete the achievement.

Watchful Eyes– 3 AP

Pay respect to the 22 Griffons in Sun’s Refuge by typing /kneel whilenext to them. All the griffons are high up on the ledges and can bereached by springer except for the four at 13, 14, 15, 16. You can reachthose by using the griffon from the higher rock near #10.

Here is the map of their locations

Collection/Scavenger Hunt Achievements

Dark Tools for Dark Times – 10 AP, The Inevitable title, Staff of the Inevitable

Palawa Joko’s Staff Head

Complete the meta achievement for A Star to Guide Us to receive thishead.

Palawa Joko’s Staff Shaft

Kill the Death-Branded Shatterer in Jahai Bluffs

Palawa Joko’s Staff Pommel

Talk to Koss Dejarin inside Sun’s Refuge. He will only show up aftercompleting Full Houseachievement.

Palawa Joko’s Staff Ornament

Drops from the legendary bounty Wynern Matriarch, Patriarch, and Youngin Jahai Bluffs

Palawa Joko’s Staff Binding

Purchase it from Gravedigger Finn next to the waypoint in Pact Vanguard.

Full House – 10 AP, Keeper of the Sun title

Complete the following collections

  • Readathon
  • Exhibit Aye
  • Crystal Attunement
  • In a Grain of Sand
  • Good, Better, Nest
  • Memorabilia
  • Poster Child
  • The Convergence of Sorrow I: Elegy

Elegy and Requiem Collections – 40 AP, Temporal Tourist title, Ascended Armor Box

Complete the following collections

  • The Convergence of Sorrow I: Elegy – 5 AP
  • The Convergence of Sorrow II: Requiem – 10 AP

Once you unlock a full set of Elegy and Requiem armor, you can completethe following achievements

  • A Good Defense – 5 AP, collect 18 Elegy skins (craft additional sets)
  • The Best Offense – 20 AP, Temporal Tourist title, Ascended Armor Box (purchase additional sets from Volatile Magic vendor)

Making Cents of Jahai – 10 AP

Collect 40 Ancient Jahai Coins,

  • Guide available here

Mastery Insights & Adventures

Mastery Insights – 1 AP, 1 Mastery Insight each

Crescent’s Prosperity

Easy enough to reach with just a springer.

Harpy Rock – North of Fortress of Jahai

You can use the griffon from one of the small domes from Fortress ofJahai to reach this Harpy Rock.

Fang of the Dragon – Central Brand Scar

Easy to get to via springer.

Talon of the Dragon – South of Yatendi Village

Scar Overlook – East of Venta Pass

A bit hard to reach due to to its height, You have to make your way nextCrystal Cavern POI and then springer up the branded cliffs. From there,just springer up until you get to the mastery insight. See video.


Coming soon. Run Around for No Reason is inside the ??? place withhallucination mushrooms and not visible from the world map.

Archived Disqus comments

  • Vadim Karpov

    Amazing, thank you, Dulfy:)

  • Sabahattin Tuncar

    Thank you so much Dulfy-sama /salute <3

  • Bradley Spies

    For Gentle Hearts (Desert Fox), you can also feed it a harpy eggfrom one of the nearby roosts. Much shorter trip and not lockedbehind a heart.

  • Poki#3

    Ethereal Exchange – simply /kneel at the statue of Kormir in theChantry.

  • ross oogo

    i got the Raptor Out achivement on griffon, last part where u getfloated, u can stay perma in air with griffon and its easy to skipall rocks

  • Lana

    Gentle Hearts is easier to do with a harpy egg from a nearby nest.

    • Stefan Huber

      I’ve been posting that in every thread about it but for somereason people prefer long convoluted methods. would be nice ifdulfy updated it, but usually once a guide is done it never getsupdates anymore.

      • Dulfy

        Guide has been updated to include both methods

  • Aerinndis Athyrium

    Thank you SOOOOO much for the video on Fragments I have Shored!!! Ihad been trying and your path was the one that worked for me!

    For Fishy Business the fish spawned for me once it was night time. Ihad been outside of Sun’s Refuge when it was night and decided to goin and check the pond in case the time of day had some bearing onwhen it spawned. It spawned right in front of me and I did not seeit the other times I checked. It would be interesting to see ifothers found that it was spawning at certain times of the day ornight. I did not kill any of the salmon so I am not sure if thataffects the fish showing up.

    • Lana

      I’d been trying all day, and tried again just now when it wasnight, and it showed up the very first time I checked.

      Could definitely be tied to day/night cycle for sure.

      • Doghouse

        Mine showed up middle of the day.

  • Guest

    “Splat!” is nearly impossible to do on a guardian due to theconstant aegis.

  • Purr3D .

    You are awesome for doing all of these. Thank you so much <3

  • Nicci Costin

    I dunno how to get into touch here, but someone made a video guidefor the coins, time stamped with coin numbers and have a map up forlocations. look under the show more for the info <3\

  • Jackie Thompson

    red trout wont seem to spawn

    • not joko

      It does just crappy rng just did it

    • Doghouse

      Got mine just now. Middle of the day cycle in my case.

    • Mythykle Mythryndyr

      As soon as I spoke to Lofa after doing the heart, I went back toSun’s Refuge and the Red Trout was there first time.. {@@}

  • Doghouse

    Scar Overlook: I found a Bouncing Mushroom somewhat north of the MP(roughly on a level with the vista to the west) during/after abranded incursion that can be used to get higher up (couldn’t findit before the incursion when I went back to check for this post, soit may be related to the Ancestor Tree phases). From the top of thebounce I was able to scramble with griffon and springer to the MP.There’s similarly a Nuhoch Wallow that appears in roughly the samelocation from time to time that shot me way up in the air the one Itook it, and I presume has the same function.

  • Dan Gudy

    Re: Splat! and Claws to the Wall – when I realized where Splat!would happen on my first time through the instance, I immediatelyrestarted the instance. This time, I stood in the right spot forSplat! After I got that achievement, the yellow qualifier indicatorfor Claws to the Wall was still up, and I got that one later onduring the same play through. So while one would assume that youcannot get both during the same play through, that is in fact whathappened for me.

    • Auralae

      It’s worth noting that Splat! only registers with the firstsmash of the dragon’s foot through the wall (when he mushesHierarch Chikere.) I tried to get it with later hits through thewall but it didn’t work.

  • Batchie

    I was lucky for Right on Track because no foes came to Blish.

    • Burn Bicz, BURN

      Me too, it was weird and i was sitting like on niddles waitingfor some big group of mobs

  • Ryan Hill

    spoiler: for the gotcha cheeve you can just cheat and tag them. Evenbetter then the target is to highlight them. Select them before youstart then press alt+shift+1. then when playing the game just lookat your mini map and go to the highlighted mark. EASY! :D.

    • Confounded

      This only worked for me twice. The times the squad target gotcleared.

      • Ares Zax

        The squad target isn’t cleared. It’s just hidden if you’retoo far away from it. If you don’t see the marker on themap, mount up and run around. The marker will pop up onceyou are closer.

  • winfong

    Matchmaker, Matchmaker – there is a small icon indicating intent foreach dialogue, shares the row with your character activated boonicons on your screen – family, leadership, legacy, relaxation (can’tremember exact term) – just match accordingly – easier thanmemorising the response….

    • gw2 player

      I hate this boring achievement! You have to redo everything ifyou messed up on the 14th attempt, which I did.

      • Winfong

        I messed up a few times, once you recognise the icon itbecomes a breeze – irritating part is every few times youhave to fight off the brand…. also activate all the npc thatwant to fight and run off…. it makes those with dialogueappear….


    Garrison Historian bug now? Escort the chain events 10 times now, Ican’t get any achievement point

    • johndoe

      so I had a similar issue make sure you wait tell npcs talk toeach other then talk to her

    • Luk Starker

      I answered that one and hope Dulfy will correct it…\For the Garrison Historian event, you don’t only need tocomplete the event chain. You need to gather INTERESTINGsupply.\I found 2 interesting things during the event and was creditedwith 2 points at once.\When you give the supply to Eshid, she keeps telling you it’snot interesting.\Then I found some Argon docs written private on them (the npcsays so) and it credited me one point at Sivvi.\The next event I found those docs again + an old typical armor.Sivvi gave me 2 points and I completed the achievement.

      During all the other events I did, she kept telling me thosesupply were love letter, fiscal papers or broken dishes… Allworthless stuff. And Sivvi kept telling me I had brought nothinginteresting and not crediting me any point toward achievement.\When you listen to Eshid speaking, she actually tells you thatyou have to find interesting items.

  • raykor

    “…you can just exit the instance after you get hit and then re-enter(it will put you back to the start of the Shatterer attack)”

    How do you exit the instance such that it returns you to theShatterer attack? When I exit, it starts at the very beginning and Ihave to go through the entire summit dialog again!

    • tdawg

      same point. If I relog I have to get through all dialoguesagain, and I’m pretty bad at helping the awakens so far so i’mloosing a lot of time

  • Luk Starker

    For the Garrison Historian event, you don’t only need to completethe event chain. I did it 12 times for nothing.\You need to gather INTERESTING supply.\I found 2 interesting things during the event and was credited with2 points at once.\When you give the supply to Eshid, she keeps telling you it’s notinteresting.\Then I found some Argon docs written private on them (the npc saysso) and it credited me one point at Sivvi.\The next event I found those docs again + an old typical armor.Sivvi gave me 2 points and I completed the achievement.

    During all the other events I did, she kept telling me those supplywere love letter, fiscal papers or broken dishes… All worthlessstuff. And Sivvi kept telling me I had brought nothing interestingand not crediting me any point toward achievement.\When you listen to Eshid speaking, she actually tells you that youhave to find interesting items.

  • Chris Graham

    I know the guide for Run Around for No Reason is coming soon but Ijust did gold there and it is tricky so just in case you’re tryingit, this is what I did. I took the course on foot to begin with towork out the route, then take raptor (you don’t want to dismount atany point since all the illusions will combat lock you).

    When using the raptor quick tap the space bar to jump onto thesmaller mushrooms, especially that part where you have to jump backand forth near the start (don’t press or hold space or you’llovershoot).

    When it comes to getting the one on the taller mushroom go up theledge behind it a little (halfway up should be enough) and then longjump to the mushroom to grab it.

    Likewise, rather than trying to bunny up (takes ages to fall) if youlong jump with the raptor to that same part of the ledge as beforethen run to the balloon, long jump across the room to the lastballoon then quickly turn and long jump to the finish.

    Hopefully that helps people for now until Dulfy gets a video up ofit.

    • Keorl

      The timings are just insane. I can’t belive they add 30 secondsto all HoT adventures to make them total cheese, then go backand put such impossible goals on a new adventure.

    • sumpfkraut

      you can do it easy with the jackal mount.

    • Sugar

      Took me ages, i thought skimmer was best and got a few secondsoff gold because i had trouble going down and didnt want todismount obviously, then i tried griffon and got gold nearlystraight away. all about getting the path down pat and try tryagain

  • w4ter war

    For ppl who dont want to search all the different location for theHiding Kid for the “Gotchu” Achievement:\If you have a Commander tag, you can mark the Kid before you startthe game with a symbol which you can easily see on the map after hegoes hiding

  • Ares Zax

    Some tips for the “If I may Interrupt” achieve:

    1. The achievement fails if any of the friendly Awakened (excluding thevery first one turned by Joko at the start) are converted to a hostilestate. This means that in addition to interrupting the two Joko’s, youwill also need to kill all of the smaller Joko clones that the main Jokospawns occasionally.

    2. This is one of those achieves that is more easily done by smallergroups, because the more players you have around, the more Joko’sbreakbar scales up. I would recommend having no more than 5-6 playersattempting this event; at this tier, 2 players can easily just followone of the Joko’s around and interrupt him whenever he talks, while thelast two focus on killing the smaller clones.

    • Burn Bicz, BURN

      True, i just did it with 5 other ppl, smooth and easy

  • Luk Starker

    Hello, as I stated earlier for the Historian achievement with Eshidand Sivvi, only interesting items gathered during supply phase countand you can actually complete the achievment with only 2 escorts,and even ONE if you’re really lucky, if you gather 2-3 or 4interesting items at once. She will give you the exact achievementcredits corresponding to the number of items you brought.

    • Ares Zax

      In addition to this, the “interesting item” counter is specificto each character. So if you collected 3 items in one go on onecharacter, then did it again the next day on a differentcharacter, you’ll notice the counter does not tick up.

      What I haven’t been able to figure out (and now I can’t becausethe achievement is complete) is whether each interesting itemyou find only counts once towards the achievement (meaning thereare 4 unique items and you must find all four), or whether youcould just find the same interesting item 4 times and it wouldcomplete the achieve.

  • Batchie

    Matchmaker, Matchmaker

    The Mordant Crescent were always in it for themselves.The future ofElona never crossed their minds.\I have always served Elona. Inside_and outside_of the MordantCrescent.

  • ReActif

    Here is the picture solution for the achievment “Matchmaker,Matchmaker”.\https://imgur.com/a/1ie43Ov

    Regardless of the text on the images, just look at the icon thatwill be in your bonus bar, and go to the corresponding NPC I markedon the captures.

    Warning: if you miss a dialog, the counter restarts at 0, so youmust pass 15 dialogues at once.

    Branded event does not reset the counter, you just have to wait tobe able to talk to the NPC again to continue.

  • Benjamin Schultz

    There is no Pact Excavation Contract for 5 gold and 500 VolatileMagic to buy at the heart merchant

  • Cytos Lpagtr

    minor nitpic

    the achievement is called “DOOR to the past” not doorS

  • Cytos Lpagtr

    FYI. just completed the event for the “If i may interrupt”achievement, it is bugged so you don’t get the achievement when youbreak every bar (at least it was for me this time)

A Star To Guide Us and Jahai Bluffs Achievements Guide (2025)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.